SPECTRE: standardized global spatial data on terrestrial SPECies ThREats


Branco Vasco V.ORCID,Correia LuísORCID,Cardoso PedroORCID


AbstractMotivationSPECTRE is an open-source database containing standardised spatial data on global environmental and anthropogenic variables that are potential threats to terrestrial species and ecosystems. Its goal is to allow users to swiftly access spatial data on multiple threats at a resolution of 30 arc-seconds for all terrestrial areas. Following the standard set by Worldclim, this data allows full comparability and ease of use under common statistical frameworks for global change studies, species distribution modelling, threat assessments, quantification of ecosystem services and disturbance, among multiple other uses. A web user interface, a persistent online repository, and an accompanying R package with functions for downloading and manipulating data are provided.Main types of variable containedSPECTRE is a GIS product with 24 geoTiff raster layers (with plans to expand in the near future) with an approximate 1 km2resolution.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Reference47 articles.

1. The Global Fire Atlas of individual fire size, duration, speed and direction

2. ArcGIS Pro (2023). Resample function. Esri. https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/3.0/help/analysis/raster-functions/resample-function.htm [Accessed 24 November 2023].

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4. Resampling air borne sensed data using bilinear interpolation algorithm

5. Land-use and climate risk assessment for Earth’s remaining wilderness








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