Micrococcal nuclease regulates biofilm formation and dispersal in methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureusUSA300


Kaplan Jeffrey B.,Florjanczyk Aleksandr P.,Ochiai Maria,Jones Caleb D.,Horswill Alexander R.


ABSTRACTBiofilm formation is an important virulence factor for methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus(MRSA). The extracellular matrix of MRSA biofilms contains significant amounts of double-stranded DNA. MRSA cells also secrete micrococcal nuclease (Nuc1) which degrades double-stranded DNA. In this study we used anuc1mutant strain to investigate the role of Nuc1 in MRSA biofilm formation and dispersal. Biofilm was quantitated in microplates using a crystal violet binding assay. Extracellular DNA (eDNA) was isolated from colony biofilms and analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis. In some experiments, broth or agar was supplemented with sub-MIC amoxicillin to induce biofilm formation. Biofilm erosion was quantitated by culturing biofilms on rods, transferring the rods to fresh broth, and enumerating CFUs that detached from the rods. Biofilm sloughing was investigated by culturing biofilms in glass tubes perfused with broth and measuring the sizes of the detached cell aggregates. We found that anuc1mutant strain produced significantly more biofilm and more eDNA than a wild-type strain in both the absence and presence of sub-MIC amoxicillin.nuc1mutant biofilms grown on rods detached significantly less than wild-type biofilms. Detachment was restored by exogenous DNase or a wild-typenuc1gene on a plasmid. In the sloughing assay,nuc1mutant biofilms released cell aggregates that were significantly larger than those released by wild-type biofilms. Our results suggest that Nuc1 modulates biofilm formation, biofilm detachment, and the sizes of detached cell aggregates. These processes may play a role in the spread and subsequent survival of MRSA biofilms during biofilm-related infections.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory








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