Interaction between Solo and PDZ-RhoGEF is involved in actin cytoskeletal remodeling and response to substrate stiffness


Kunitomi Aoi,Chiba Shuhei,Higashitani Nahoko,Higashitani Atsushi,Sato Shinichi,Mizuno Kensaku,Ohashi Kazumasa


ABSTRACTRecent findings indicate that Solo, a RhoGEF, is involved in cellular mechanical stress responses. However, the mechanism of actin cytoskeletal remodeling via Solo remains unclear. Therefore, this study was aimed at identifying Solo-interacting proteins using the BioID, a proximal-dependent labeling method and elucidating the molecular mechanisms of function of Solo. We identified PDZ-RhoGEF (PRG) as a Solo-interacting protein. PRG co-localized with Solo in the basal area of cells, depending on Solo localization, and enhanced actin polymerization at Solo accumulation sites. Additionally, Solo and PRG interaction was necessary for actin cytoskeletal remodeling and RhoA activation. Moreover, overexpression of the binding domains of Solo and PRG had a dominant-negative effect on actin polymerization and actin stress fiber formation in response to substrate stiffness. Therefore, Solo restricts the localization of PRG and regulates actin cytoskeletal remodeling in synergy with PRG in response to the surrounding mechanical environment.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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