A Low-Cost Stage-Top Incubation Device For Human Cell Imaging Using Rapid Prototyping Methods


Worcester Michael,Gomez Melissa,Mishra Pratyasha,Meyers Quintin,Kuhlman Thomas E.ORCID


Live imaging of human or other mammalian cells at multi-hour time scales with minimal perturbation to their growth state requires that the specimen’s optimal growth conditions are met while fixed to a microscope stage. In general, ideal conditions include culturing in complete growth media, an ambient temperature of 36-37 C, and a humidity-controlled atmosphere comprising typically 5-7% CO2. Commercially available devices that achieve these conditions are not a financially viable option for many labs, with the price ranging anywhere from $12000 to $40000. The advent of 3D printing technology has allowed for low-cost rapid prototyping with precision comparable to traditional fabrication methods, opening the possibility for in-lab design and production of otherwise prohibitively expensive equipment such as stage-top incubation devices. The continued usefulness and widespread availability of single-board computers (SBC) such as Arduino and Raspberry Pi also simplify the process by which these devices can be controlled. Here we report the production of a do-it-yourself (DIY) device for stage-top incubation with temperature and atmospheric control with a cost reduction of approximately 100x.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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