AbstractThis study culturally adapted and validated a Nepalese version of the Abuse Assessment Screen (AAS) tool for identifying domestic violence among pregnant women in Nepal, creating the Nepalese Abuse Assessment Screen (N-AAS). International and national topic experts reviewed the initial N-AAS version using the Delphi method, and pregnant women participated in cognitive interviews, providing feedback on the N-AAS as user experts. Subsequent pre-testing of a comprehensive questionnaire, which included the translated version of the N-AAS, occurred in two tertiary care hospitals using an electronic format known as Color-Coded Audio Computer-Assisted Self-Interview (C-ACASI). We assessed the content validity index, compared the concurrent validity of the N-AAS with the gold standard interview, estimated the prevalence of domestic violence from two hospitals, and calculated the Kappa coefficient. The reliability of the entire questionnaire was also evaluated through a test-retest analysis, with content validity rated as “good to excellent” by topic and user experts and high test-retest reliability (91.2–98.9%), indicating consistency across questionnaires completed at two different time points, with 12% of participants reporting any form of violence. The N-AAS demonstrated ≥91.7% specificity for all forms of abuse, accurately identifying non-abuse cases. In addition, moderate to excellent sensitivity was observed for emotional abuse (52.5%) and physical abuse since marriage (50%), while sensitivity for physical abuse in the past 12 months was 100%. Thus, the N-AAS demonstrated reliable test-retest results with a good Kappa coefficient and specificity, as well as showing excellent sensitivity for detecting recent physical abuse and moderate sensitivity for detecting emotional abuse and physical abuse since marriage. Because cultural context often leads women to normalize and tolerate abuse from spouses and family members and women are thus reluctant to report abuse, the results imply that the N-AAS can serve as a valuable screening tool for domestic abuse in antenatal care settings in Nepal.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
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