Cellular, Circuit and Transcriptional Framework for Modulation of Itch in the Central Amygdala


Samineni Vijay KORCID,Grajales-Reyes Jose G.,Grajales-Reyes Gary E,Tycksen Eric,Copits Bryan A,Pedersen Christian,Ankudey Edem S,Sackey Julian N,Sewell Sienna B,Bruchas Michael RORCID,Gereau Robert W.ORCID


AbstractItch is an unpleasant sensation that elicits robust scratching and active avoidance. However, the identity of the cells and neural circuits that organize this information remains elusive. Here we show the necessity and sufficiency of itch-activated neurons in the central amygdala (CeA) for both itch sensation and active avoidance. Further, we show that itch-activated CeA neurons play important roles in itch-related comorbidities, including anxiety-like behaviors, but not in some aversive and appetitive behaviors previously ascribed to CeA neurons. RNA-sequencing of itch-activated CeA neurons identified several differentially expressed genes as well as potential key signaling pathways in regulating pruritis. Finally, viral tracing experiments demonstrate that these neurons send a critical projection to the periaqueductal gray to mediate modulation of itch. These findings reveal a cellular and circuit signature of CeA neurons orchestrating behavioral and affective responses to pruritus in mice.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory








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