SummaryACTIN DEPOLYMERIZING FACTORS (ADFs) are key regulators of actin cytoskeletal dynamics and plant immunity.We predicted the potential immune-associated function of 38 genes fromArabidopsisusing gene expression values from 24,123 RNA-Seq datasets and 34 single-cell datasets through machine learning algorithms.The evolutionary relationships ofADFfamily members from 38 eukaryotic species were evaluated, including an assessment of the sub-function(s) of these members.Our results show that theADFclade in plant and other kingdoms are separated, withADF3, 5, 7, 9,and10possessing collinear relationships within species, andADF 2,3,4,6,7, and 10possessing evolved, new, sub-functions related to response to Fe, copper-deficiency, and ABA signaling inArabidopsis. Expanded, multiple, roles forADF1,4,and6were also identified.This study not only provides an analysis of the expanded role for the ADF family of genes/proteins, but also provides insight into, and a framework for, the identification and study of the evolutionary history of genes having putative roles in immune signaling.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory