AbstractARID1A is a signature subunit of the mammalian SWI/SNF (BAF) chromatin remodeling complex and is mutated at a high rate in malignancies and benign diseases originating from the uterine endometrium. Through genome-wide analysis of human endometriotic epithelial cells, we show that more than half of ARID1A binding sites are marked by the variant histone H3.3, including active regulatory elements. ARID1A loss leads to H3.3 depletion at ARID1A bound active regulatory elements and a concomitant redistribution of H3.3 towards genic elements. ARID1A interactions with the repressive chromatin remodeler CHD4 (NuRD) are associated with H3.3-containing chromatin regulation. ZMYND8, the CHD4-interacting acetyl-histone H4 reader, specifies ARID1A-CHD4-H3.3 target regulatory activity towards histone H4 lysine 16 acetylation (H4K16ac) to repress super-enhancers. ARID1A, H3.3, CHD4, and ZMYND8 co-repress the expression of genes governing extracellular matrix, motility, adhesion, and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Moreover, these gene expression alterations are observed in human endometriomas. Altogether, these studies demonstrate that cooperation among a histone reader and different types of chromatin remodelers safeguards the endometrium through transcriptionally repressive H3.3.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory