Callose deposition is essential for the completion of cytokinesis in the unicellular alga,Penium margaritaceum


Davis Destiny J.,Wang Minmin,Sørensen Iben,Rose Jocelyn K.C.,Domozych David S.,Drakakaki GeorgiaORCID


AbstractCytokinesis in land plants involves the formation of a cell plate that develops into the new cell wall. Callose is a β-1,3 glucan that transiently accumulates at later stages of cell plate development and is thought to stabilize the delicate membrane network of the cell plate as it expands. Cytokinetic callose deposition is currently considered specific to multicellular plant species as it has not been detected in unicellular algae. Here we present callose at the cytokinesis junction of the unicellular charophyte,Penium margaritaceum. Notably, callose deposition at the division plane ofP. margaritaceumshowed distinct, spatiotemporal patterns that could represent distinct roles of this polymer in cytokinesis and cell wall assembly. Pharmacological inhibition of cytokinetic callose deposition by Endosidin 7 treatment resulted in cytokinesis defects, consistent with the essential role for this polymer inP. margaritaceumcell division. Cell wall deposition and assembly at the isthmus zone was also affected by the absence of callose, demonstrating the dynamic nature of new wall assembly inP. margaritaceum. The identification of candidate callose synthase genes provides molecular evidence for callose biosynthesis inP. margaritaceum. The evolutionary implications of cytokinetic callose in this unicellular Zygnematopycean alga is discussed in the context of the conquest of land by plants.Summary StatementEvolutionarily conserved callose inPenium margaritaceumis essential for the completion of cytokinesis.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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