Impact of gastrointestinal comorbidities in patients with right & left atrial isomerism


Fotaki Anastasia,L Doughty Victoria,Banya Winston,Giuliani Stefano,Bradley Sarah,S Carvalho Julene


ABSTRACTObjectiveHeterotaxy syndrome (HS), being right atrial isomerism (RAI) or left atrial isomerism (LAI) often presents with congenital heart disease (CHD). Intestinal abnormalities including malrotation are common. We aim to assess the impact of gut abnormalities on outcome in HS.MethodsWe reviewed cardiology records of HS patients regarding presence of CHD, time for cardiac intervention, presence of gastrointestinal (GI) abnormalities and type/time of surgery. A questionnaire about GI status was sent to patients <18 years old. Kaplan-Meier curves were derived for survival data.ResultsData were available for 195 patients (49 RAI, 146 LAI) of 247 identified. Questionnaires were sent to 77 families, 47 replied. CHD was present in all RAI and 63.7% of LAI cases. Thirty-eight patients had abdominal surgery (19.5%), similar rate in RAI and LAI (20.4% vs 19.1%, p=0.92). Ladd procedure was performed in 17 (44.7%), non-Ladd in 12 (31.5%) and both procedures in nine patients (23.7%). Ten-year freedom from Ladd procedure for all was 86% (RAI=87%; LAI=85%, p=0.82). Freedom from any GI surgery at one year was 86% (RAI=86%; LAI=86%, p=0.98) and at ten years was 80% (RAI=77%; LAI=81%, p=0.65). Ten-year freedom from cardiac surgery was 34% (RAI=7%; LAI=42%, p<0.0001).ConclusionsIn our cohort, one in five patients required abdominal surgery, mostly in their first year, similar in RAI and LAI. Between one and ten years of follow up the impact of GI abnormalities on outcome was minimal. Medium term survival was related to CHD.ARTICLE SUMMARYSTRENGTHS AND LIMITATIONS OF THIS STUDYThis study is the largest cohort study investigating the impact of gastrointestinal abnormalities in cardiology patients with heterotaxy syndrome.It is the first clinical study to show that HS patients suffer from a wider spectrum of abdominal abnormalities, other than typical malrotation, varying in severity from asymptomatic malrotation to complete non-rotation, namely atresia at multiple intestinal levels. This is relevant in prenatal family counseling but also raises questions regarding the indication of elective Ladd procedure in all heterotaxy syndrome patients, as a different procedure might be indicated.Patient morbidity was investigated from both the cardiology and gastrointestinal point 12 of view.Its main limitations in design is that is not a prospective study. Cardiology records have been reviewed with regards to GI symptomatology, screening investigations and procedures.It involved both reviewing the medical records and directly contacting the family for the subcohort that was below 18 years old and lived in the UK, in an attempt to minimise any data errors. Our records were consistent with the information provided by parents/guardians in all cases but one.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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