AbstractThe site frequency spectrum (SFS) is a statistic that summarizes the distribution of derived allele frequencies in a sample of DNA sequences. The SFS provides useful information about genetic variation within and among populations and it can used to make population genetic inferences. Methods for computing the SFS based on the diffusion approximation are computationally efficient when computing all terms of the SFS simultaneously and they can handle complicated demographic scenarios. However, in practice it is sometimes only necessary to compute a subset of terms of the SFS, in which case coalescent-based methods can achieve greater computational efficiency. Here, we present simple and accurate approximate formulas for the expected joint SFS for multiple populations connected by migration. Compared with existing exact approaches, our approximate formulas greatly reduce the complexity of computing each entry of the SFS and have simple forms. The computational complexity of our method depends on the index of the entry to be computed, rather than on the sample size, and the accuracy of our approximation improves as the sample size increases.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory