AbstractThe development of realistic musculoskeletal models is a fundamental goal for the theoretical progress in sensorimotor control and its engineering applications, e.g., in the biomimetic control of artificial limbs. Yet, accurate models require extensive experimental measures to validate structural and functional parameters describing muscle state over the full physiological range of motion. However, available experimental measurements of, for example, muscle moment arms are sparse and often disparate. Validation of these models is not trivial because of the highly complex anatomy and behavior of human limbs. In this study, we developed a method to validate and scale kinematic muscle parameters using posture-dependent moment arm profiles, isometric force measurements, and a computational detection of assembly errors. We used a previously published model with 18 degrees of freedom (DOFs) and 32 musculotendon actuators with force generated from a Hill-type muscle model. The muscle path from origin to insertion with wrapping geometry was used to model the muscle lengths and moment arms. We simulated moment arm profiles across the full physiological range of motion and compared them to an assembled dataset of published and merged experimental profiles. The muscle paths were adjusted using custom metrics based on root-mean-square and correlation coefficient of the difference between simulated and experimental values. Since the available measurements were sparse and the examination of high-dimensional muscles is challenging, we developed analyses to identify common failures, i.e., moment arm functional flipping due to the sign reversal in simulated moments and the imbalance of force generation between antagonistic groups in postural extremes. The validated model was used to evaluate the expected errors in torque generation with the assumption of constant instead of the posture-dependent moment arms at the wrist flexion-extension DOF, which is the critical joint in our model with the largest number of crossing muscles. We found that there was a reduction of joint torques by about 35% in the extreme quartiles of the wrist DOF. The use of realistic musculoskeletal models is essential for the reconstruction of hand dynamics. These models may improve the understanding of muscle actions and help in the design and control of artificial limbs in future applications.New & NoteworthyRealistic models of human limbs are a development goal required for the understanding of motor control and its applications in biomedical fields. However, developing accurate models is restrained by the lack of accurate and reliable musculoskeletal measurements in humans. Here, we have overcome this challenge by using multi-stage validation of simulated structures using both experimental data and the identification of structural failures in the high-dimensional muscle paths. We demonstrate that the rigorous structural and functional validation method is essential for the understanding of force generation at the wrist.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
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5 articles.