Domains of initiator tRNA and initiation codon crucial for initiator tRNA selection by Escherichia coli IF3.


Hartz D,Binkley J,Hollingsworth T,Gold L


Initiation factors are used by Escherichia coli to select the initiator tRNA over elongator tRNAs during translation initiation. IF3 appears to "inspect" the anticodon end of the tRNA, probably along with the initiation codon. The anticodon stem and loop of the initiator tRNA, together with part of the initiation codon of the mRNA, can be thought of as a unit. Changes made in the anticodon stem, the anticodon loop, or the anticodon of an initiator tRNA fragment result in a loss of selection by IF3 in an in vitro assay for translation initiation. IF3 allows the selection of an initiator tRNA anticodon stem and loop fragment on GUG and UUG codons but does not select that tRNA fragment in response to AUU.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory


Developmental Biology,Genetics

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