Optogenetic low-frequency stimulation of dentate granule cells prevents seizure generation in experimental epilepsy


Paschen E,Elgueta C,Heining K,Vieira DMORCID,Orcinha C,Häussler U,Bartos MORCID,Egert UORCID,Janz P,Haas CAORCID


AbstractMesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) is the most common form of focal epilepsy in adults and is typically associated with hippocampal sclerosis and drug-resistant seizures. As an alternative to curative epilepsy surgery, brain stimulation evolves as a promising approach for seizure-interference. However, particularly in MTLE with severe hippocampal sclerosis, current stimulation protocols are often not effective. Here, we show that optogenetic low-frequency stimulation (oLFS) of entorhinal afferents exhibits unprecedented anti-ictogenic effects in chronically epileptic mice. Photostimulation at 1 Hz resulted in an almost complete suppression of focal seizures, independent of the degree of hippocampal sclerosis. Furthermore, by performing oLFS for 30 min before a pro-convulsive stimulus, seizure generalization was successfully prevented. Finally, acute slice experiments revealed a decreased excitability upon oLFS, which may partially explain the observed anti-epileptic effects. Taken together, our results suggest that oLFS of entorhinal afferents constitutes a promising approach for seizure control in MTLE.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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