Antidepressant drugs act by directly binding to TRKB neurotrophin receptors


Casarotto Plinio CORCID,Girych MykhailoORCID,Fred Senem MORCID,Kovaleva VeraORCID,Moliner RafaelORCID,Enkavi GirayORCID,Biojone CarolineORCID,Cannarozzo CeciliaORCID,Sahu Madhusmita PryiadrashiniORCID,Kaurinkoski KatjaORCID,Brunello Cecilia AORCID,Steinzeig AnnaORCID,Winkel FrederikeORCID,Patil SudarshanORCID,Vestring StefanORCID,Serchov TsvetanORCID,Diniz Cassiano RAFORCID,Laukkanen LiinaORCID,Cardon IselineORCID,Antila HannaORCID,Rog TomaszORCID,Piepponen Timo PetteriORCID,Bramham Clive RORCID,Normann Claus,Lauri Sari EORCID,Saarma MartORCID,Vattulainen IlpoORCID,Castrén EeroORCID


AbstractIt is unclear how binding of antidepressant drugs to their targets gives rise to the clinical antidepressant effect. We discovered that the transmembrane domain of TRKB, the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) receptor that promotes neuronal plasticity and antidepressant responses, has a cholesterol-sensing function that mediates synaptic effects of cholesterol. We then found that both typical and fast-acting antidepressants directly bind to TRKB, thereby facilitating synaptic localization of TRKB and its activation by BDNF. Extensive computational approaches including atomistic molecular dynamics simulations revealed a binding site at the transmembrane region of TRKB dimers. Mutation of the TRKB antidepressant-binding motif impaired cellular, behavioral and plasticity-promoting responses to antidepressants in vitro and in vivo. We suggest that binding to TRKB and the allosteric facilitation of BDNF signaling is the common mechanism for antidepressant action, which proposes a framework for how molecular effects of antidepressants are translated into clinical mood recovery.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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