Novel antimicrobial peptide discovery using machine learning and biophysical selection of minimal bacteriocin domains


Fields Francisco R.,Freed Stephan D.,Carothers Katelyn E.,Hamid Md Nafiz,Hammers Daniel E.,Ross Jessica N.,Kalwajtys Veronica R.,Gonzalez Alejandro J.,Hildreth Andrew D.,Friedberg Iddo,Lee Shaun W.


AbstractBacteriocins are ribosomally produced antimicrobial peptides that represent an untapped source of promising antibiotic alternatives. However, inherent challenges in isolation and identification of natural bacteriocins in substantial yield have limited their potential use as viable antimicrobial compounds. In this study, we have developed an overall pipeline for bacteriocin-derived compound design and testing that combines sequence-free prediction of bacteriocins using a machine-learning algorithm and a simple biophysical trait filter to generate minimal 20 amino acid peptide candidates that can be readily synthesized and evaluated for activity. We generated 28,895 total 20-mer peptides and scored them for charge, α-helicity, and hydrophobic moment, allowing us to identify putative peptide sequences with the highest potential for interaction and activity against bacterial membranes. Of those, we selected sixteen sequences for synthesis and further study, and evaluated their antimicrobial, cytotoxicity, and hemolytic activities. We show that bacteriocin-based peptides with the overall highest scores for our biophysical parameters exhibited significant antimicrobial activity against E. coli and P. aeruginosa. Our combined method incorporates machine learning and biophysical-based minimal region determination, to create an original approach to rapidly discover novel bacteriocin candidates amenable to rapid synthesis and evaluation for therapeutic use.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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