Integrated and Sequence-Ordered BAC- and YAC-Based Physical Maps for the Rat Genome


Krzywinski Martin,Wallis John,Gösele Claudia,Bosdet Ian,Chiu Readman,Graves Tina,Hummel Oliver,Layman Dan,Mathewson Carrie,Wye Natasja,Zhu Baoli,Albracht Derek,Asano Jennifer,Barber Sarah,Brown-John Mabel,Chan Susanna,Chand Steve,Cloutier Alison,Davito Jonathon,Fjell Chris,Gaige Tony,Ganten Detlev,Girn Noreen,Guggenheimer Kurtis,Himmelbauer Heinz,Kreitler Thomas,Leach Stephen,Lee Darlene,Lehrach Hans,Mayo Michael,Mead Kelly,Olson Teika,Pandoh Pawan,Prabhu Anna-Liisa,Shin Heesun,Tänzer Simone,Thompson Jason,Tsai Miranda,Walker Jason,Yang George,Sekhon Mandeep,Hillier LaDeana,Zimdahl Heike,Marziali Andre,Osoegawa Kazutoyo,Zhao Shaying,Siddiqui Asim,de Jong Pieter J.,Warren Wes,Mardis Elaine,McPherson John D.,Wilson Richard,Hübner Norbert,Jones Steven,Marra Marco,Schein Jacqueline


As part of the effort to sequence the genome of Rattus norvegicus, we constructed a physical map comprised of fingerprinted bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones from the CHORI-230 BAC library. These BAC clones provide ∼13-fold redundant coverage of the genome and have been assembled into 376 fingerprint contigs. A yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) map was also constructed and aligned with the BAC map via fingerprinted BAC and P1 artificial chromosome clones (PACs) sharing interspersed repetitive sequence markers with the YAC-based physical map. We have annotated 95% of the fingerprint map clones in contigs with coordinates on the version 3.1 rat genome sequence assembly, using BAC-end sequences and in silico mapping methods. These coordinates have allowed anchoring 358 of the 376 fingerprint map contigs onto the sequence assembly. Of these, 324 contigs are anchored to rat genome sequences localized to chromosomes, and 34 contigs are anchored to unlocalized portions of the rat sequence assembly. The remaining 18 contigs, containing 54 clones, still require placement. The fingerprint map is a high-resolution integrative data resource that provides genome-ordered associations among BAC, YAC, and PAC clones and the assembled sequence of the rat genome.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory



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