ABSTRACTThe real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) is routinely used for quantification of nucleic acids and is considered the gold standard in the field of relative nucleic acid measurements. The efficiency of the qPCR reaction is one of the most important parameters that needs to be determined, reported, and incorporated into data analysis in any qPCR experiment. The Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments (MIQE) guidelines recognize the calibration curve as the method of choice for estimation of qPCR efficiency. The precision of this method has been reported to be between SD=0.007 (3 replicates) and SD=0.022 (no replicates). In this manuscript we present a novel approach to analysing qPCR data obtained by running a dilution series. Unlike previously developed methods, our method relies on a new formula that describes pairwise relationships between data points on separate amplification curves and thus operates extensive statistics (hundreds of estimations). The comparison of our method with classical calibration curve by Monte Carlo simulation shows that our approach can almost double the precision of efficiency and gene expression ratio estimations on the same dataset.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory