Molecular basis of CENP-C association with the CENP-A nucleosome at yeast centromeres


Xiao Hua,Wang Feng,Wisniewski Jan,Shaytan Alexey K.,Ghirlando Rodolfo,FitzGerald Peter C.,Huang Yingzi,Wei Debbie,Li Shipeng,Landsman David,Panchenko Anna R.,Wu Carl


Histone CENP-A-containing nucleosomes play an important role in nucleating kinetochores at centromeres for chromosome segregation. However, the molecular mechanisms by which CENP-A nucleosomes engage with kinetochore proteins are not well understood. Here, we report the finding of a new function for the budding yeast Cse4/CENP-A histone-fold domain interacting with inner kinetochore protein Mif2/CENP-C. Strikingly, we also discovered that AT-rich centromere DNA has an important role for Mif2 recruitment. Mif2 contacts one side of the nucleosome dyad, engaging with both Cse4 residues and AT-rich nucleosomal DNA. Both interactions are directed by a contiguous DNA- and histone-binding domain (DHBD) harboring the conserved CENP-C motif, an AT hook, and RK clusters (clusters enriched for arginine–lysine residues). Human CENP-C has two related DHBDs that bind preferentially to DNA sequences of higher AT content. Our findings suggest that a DNA composition-based mechanism together with residues characteristic for the CENP-A histone variant contribute to the specification of centromere identity.


Center for Cancer Research

National Cancer Institute

National Library of Medicine

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia Research Campus

Bloomberg Distinguished Professorship, Johns Hopkins University


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory


Developmental Biology,Genetics







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