Chromatin remodelling by INO80 at promoter proximal pause sites promotes premature termination of mRNA synthesis


Luzzi Sara,Szachnowski Ugo,Greener Sarah,Schumacher Kenny,Fulton Stuart,Gautier Camille,Han Kang Hoo,Darke Jack,Piccinno Rossana,Lafon Anne,Pugh B. Franklin,Devys Didier,Tora LaszloORCID,Morillon Antonin,Papamichos-Chronakis Manolis


AbstractHow co-transcriptional RNA quality control is regulated remains poorly understood. Here, we report that in S. cerevisiae premature transcription termination of mRNAs is regulated by the evolutionarily conserved ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling INO80 complex. Loss of INO80 leads to an increase in promoter-proximally paused RNA Polymerase II and defective progression into the gene body. We show that promoter-proximal transcriptional pausing correlates with loading of RNA surveillance and transcription termination factors to mRNA transcripts. Cells lacking INO80 are defective for the Nrd1-Nab3-Sen1 (NNS)-dependent pathway for transcription termination at snRNA genes and promoter-proximally sites of mRNA genes. We demonstrate that INO80 promotes the association of the RNA surveillance and termination factor Nab2 with short promoter-proximal mRNA transcripts. We provide evidence that co-transcriptional recruitment of Nab2 to chromatin is regulated by INO80, which enables the interaction of Nab2 with the histone variant H2A.Z. Our work suggests a chromatin mechanism for premature transcription termination at promoter-proximally pausing sites, linking RNA quality control to the transcriptional process.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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