The forensic landscape and the population genetic analyses of Hainan Li based on massively parallel sequencing DNA profiling


Fan HaoliangORCID,Du Zhengming,Wang Fenfen,Wang XiaoORCID,Wen Shao-QingORCID,Wang Lingxiang,Du Panxin,Liu Hai,Cao Shengping,Luo Zhenming,Han Bingbing,Huang Peiyu,Zhu BofengORCID,Qiu PingmingORCID


AbstractDue to the formation of the Qiongzhou Strait by climate change and marine transition, Hainan island isolated from the mainland southern China during the Last Glacial Maximum. Hainan island, located at the southernmost part of China and separated from the Leizhou Peninsula by the Qiongzhou Strait, laid on one of the modern human northward migration routes from Southeast Asia to East Asia. The Hlai-language speaking Li minority, the second largest population after Han Chinese in Hainan island, is the direct descendants of the initial migrants in Hainan island and has unique ethnic properties and derived characteristics, however, the forensic associated studies on Hainan Li population are still insufficient.Hence, 136 Hainan Li individuals were genotyped in this study using the MPS-based ForenSeq DNA Signature Prep Kit (DNA Primer Set A) to characterize the forensic genetic polymorphism landscape, and DNA profiles were obtained from 152 different molecular genetic markers (27 autosomal STRs, 24 Y-STRs, 7 X-STRs, and 94 iiSNPs). A total of 419 distinct length variants and 586 repeat sequence sub-variants, with 31 novel alleles (at 17 loci), were identified across the 58 STR loci from the DNA profiles of Hainan Li population. We evaluated the forensic characteristics and efficiencies of DAPA, it demonstrated that the STRs and iiSNPs in DAPA were highly polymorphic in Hainan Li population and could be employed in forensic applications. In addition, we set up three Datasets, which included the genetic data of (I). iiSNPs (27 populations, 2640 individuals), (II). Y-STRs (42 populations, 8281 individuals), and (III). Y-haplogroups (123 populations, 4837 individuals) along with the population ancestries and language families, to perform population genetic analyses separately from different perspectives.In conclusion, the phylogenetic analyses indicated that Hainan Li, with a southern East Asia origin and Tai-Kadai language-speaking language, is an isolated population relatively. But the genetic pool of Hainan Li influenced by the limited gene flows from other Tai-Kadai populations and Hainan populations. Furthermore, the establishment of isolated population models will be beneficial to clarify the exquisite population structures and develop specific genetic markers for subpopulations in forensic genetic fields.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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