ABSTRACTTrait variation across environmental gradients results from two processes: intraspecific variation (ITV) and turnover. Tadpoles are known to exhibit phenotypic plasticity in several traits in response to the environment, resulting from intra or interspecific variation. Here we evaluate patterns of intraspecific variation in functional traits of adult anurans (head shape, eye size and position, limb length and body mass) and their relationship with environmental variables in an anuran metacommunity in southern Brazil. From anurans sampled from 33 ponds, we decomposed trait variation into ITV and turnover and modelled trait-environment relationships. We predict that the contribution of ITV and turnover to trait variation and trait-environment relationships should vary according to the preferred habitat of the species and the analysed traits. Intraspecific variation accumulated the highest rate of trait variation for arboreal species, while interspecific variation was greater for aquatic-terrestrial species and for the whole set of species. The contributions of turnover and ITV to shifts in community mean trait values were similar between traits, but differed between species sets. Depth, distance between ponds, area of Pinus surrounding the ponds, and types of pond vegetation and substrate strongly influenced trait variation, but their relative contribution depended on the analysed traits and species sets. The great contribution of ITV for head shape and eye size and position suggests the existence of intraspecific adaptations to microhabitats, while turnover dominance in the variation of body mass and limb length suggests differences in dispersal and trophic segregation between species.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory