scEccDNAdb: an integrated single-cell eccDNA resource for human and mouse


Wang Wenqing,Zhao Xinyu,Ma Tianyu,Zhong Tengwei,Zheng Junnuo,Yang Yi,Guo Yuanbiao,Guo Zhiyun


AbstractExtrachromosomal circular DNA (eccDNA), an extrachromosomal circular structured DNA, is extensively found in eukaryotes. Exploring eccDNA at the single-cell level contributes to understanding heterogeneity, evolution, development, and specific functions within cells. Nevertheless, the high-throughput identification methods for single-cell eccDNA are complex, and currently mature and widely applicable technologies are lacking. Those factors have led to a scarcity of resources for studying eccDNA at the single-cell level. Therefore, using available single-cell whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data, we have constructed a comprehensive eccDNA database named scEccDNAdb ( Presently, scEccDNAdb comprises 3,195,464 single-cell eccDNA entries from both disease/health human and mouse samples, which provides comprehensive annotations including oncogenes, typical enhancers, super-enhancers, CTCF binding sites, SNPs, chromatin accessibility, eQTLs, transcription factor binding sites, motifs, and SVs. Additionally, it provides nine online analysis and visualization tools, facilitating the generation of publication-quality figures for eccDNA analysis through the upload of customized files. Overall, scEccDNAdb represents the first comprehensive database known to us for exploring and analyzing single-cell eccDNA data in diverse cell types, tissues, and species.Graphical abstract


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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