AbstractThe information content within nucleic acids extends beyond the primary sequence to include secondary structures with functional roles in cells. Guanine-rich sequences form structures called guanine quadruplexes (G4) that result from non-canonical base pairing between guanine residues. These stable structures are enriched in gene promoters and have been correlated with the locations of RNA polymerase II pausing (Pol II). While promoter-proximal RNA polymerase pausing regulates gene expression, the effects of guanine quadruplexes on gene transcription have been less clear. We determined the pattern of mitochondrial RNA polymerase (mtRNAP) pausing in human fibroblasts and found that it pauses over 400 times on the mitochondrial genome. We identified quadruplexes as a mediator of mtRNAP pausing and show that stabilization of quadruplexes impeded transcription by mtRNAP. Gene products encoded by the mitochondrial genome are required for oxidative phosphorylation and the decreased transcription by mtRNAP resulted in lower expression of mitochondrial genes and significantly reduced ATP generation. Energy from mitochondria is essential for transport function in renal epithelia, and impeded mitochondrial transcription inhibits transport function in renal proximal tubule cells. These results link formation of guanine quadruplex structures to regulation of mtRNAP elongation and mitochondrial function.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory