Modeling magnesium and calcium transport along male rat kidney and the effects of diuretics


Dutta Pritha,Layton Anita T.


AbstractCalcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+) are essential for cellular function. The kidneys play an important role in maintaining the homeostasis of these cations. Their reabsorption along the nephron is dependent on distinct trans- and paracellular pathways, and is coupled to the transport of other electrolytes. Notably, sodium (Na+) transport establishes an electrochemical gradient to drive Ca2+reabsorption. Consequently, alterations in renal Na+handling, under pathophysiological conditions or pharmacological manipulations, can have major effects on Ca2+transport. One such condition is the administration of diuretics, which are used to treat a large range of clinical conditions, but most commonly for the management of blood pressure and fluid balance. While the pharmacological targets of diuretics typically directly mediate Na+transport, they also indirectly affect renal Ca2+and Mg2+handling, i.e., by establishing a prerequisite electrochemical gradient. Thus, substantial alterations in divalent cation handling can be expected following diuretic treatment. To investigate renal Ca2+and Mg2handling, and how those processes are affected by diuretics treatment, we have developed sex-specific computational models of electrolyte transport along the nephrons. Model simulations indicate that along the proximal tubule and thick ascending limb, the transport of Ca2+and Mg2+occusr in parallel with Na+, but those processes are dissociated along the distal convoluted tubule. We also simulated the effects of acute administration of loop, thiazide, and K-sparing diuretics. The model predicted significantly increased Mg2+excretion, no significant alteration in Mg2+excretion, and significantly decreased Mg2+excretion on treatment with loop, thiazide, and K-sparing diuretics, respectively, in agreement with experimental studies. The present models can be used to conductin silicostudies on how the kidney adapts to alterations in Ca2+and Mg2+homeostasis during various physiological and pathophysiological conditions, such as pregnancy, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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