To touch or to be touched? Comparing pleasantness of vicarious execution and reception of interpersonal touch


Butti Niccolò,Urgesi Cosimo,McGlone Francis P.,Oldrati Viola,Montirosso Rosario,Cazzato ValentinaORCID


AbstractUnmyelinated C-Tactile (CT) fibres are activated by caress-like touch, eliciting a pleasant feeling that decreases for static and faster stroking. Previous studies documented this effect also for vicarious touch, hypothesising ‘mirror-neurons’ mechanisms driving the perception and appreciation of observed interpersonal touch. Notably, less is known about appreciation of vicarious execution of touch, that is as referred to the one giving gentle touch. To address this issue, 53 healthy participants were asked to view and rate a series of videoclips displaying an individual being touched by another on hairy (i.e., hand dorsum) or glabrous (i.e., palm) skin sites, with touch being delivered at CT-optimal (5 cm/s) or non-CT optimal velocities (0 cm/s or 30 cm/s). Following the observation of each clip, participants were asked to complete self- and other-directed ratings of the pleasantness of touch for both executer (toucher-referred) and receiver (touchee-referred). Consistent with the CT fibres properties, for both self- and other-directed judgements of touch execution and reception, participants provided higher ratings for touch delivered at CT-optimal than other velocities, and when CT-optimal touch was delivered to the hand-dorsum compared to the palm. However, higher ratings were attributed to reception compared to execution of CT-optimal touch. Notably, individual differences in interoceptive trusting and attitude to interpersonal touch were positively correlated with, respectively, toucher- and touchee-related overall pleasantness of touch. These findings suggest that the appreciation of both toucher- and touchee-referred vicarious touch is specifically attuned to CT-optimal touch, even though they might rely on different neurocognitive mechanisms to understand affective information conveyed by interpersonal tactile interactions.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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