Conifers concentrate large numbers of NLR immune receptor genes on one chromosome


Woudstra YannickORCID,Tumas HayleyORCID,van Ghelder CyrilORCID,Hung Tin HangORCID,Ilska Joana J.ORCID,Girardi Sebastien,A’Hara Stuart,McLean Paul,Cottrell JoanORCID,Bohlmann JoergORCID,Bousquet Jean,Birol InancORCID,Woolliams John A.ORCID,MacKay John J.ORCID


AbstractNucleotide-binding domain and Leucine-rich Repeat (NLR) immune receptor genes form a major line of defence in plants, acting in both pathogen recognition and resistance machinery activation. NLRs are reported to form large gene clusters in limber pine (Pinus flexilis) but it is unknown how widespread this genomic architecture may be among the extant species of conifers (Pinophyta). We used comparative genomic analyses to assess patterns in the abundance, diversity and genomic distribution of NLR genes. Chromosome-level whole genome assemblies and high-density linkage maps in the Pinaceae, Cupressaceae, Taxaceae and other gymnosperms were scanned for NLR genes using existing and customised pipelines. Discovered genes were mapped across chromosomes and linkage groups, and analysed phylogenetically for evolutionary history. Conifer genomes are characterised by dense clusters of NLR genes, highly localised on one chromosome. These clusters are rich in TNL-encoding genes, which seem to have formed through multiple tandem duplication events. In contrast to angiosperms and non-coniferous gymnosperms, genomic clustering of NLR genes is ubiquitous in conifers. NLR-dense genomic regions are likely to influence a large part of the plant’s resistance, informing our understanding of adaptation to biotic stress and the development of genetic resources through breeding.Plain language summaryNLR immune receptor genes are important in pest, disease and drought resistance of plants. In the giga-genomes of conifers, they concentrate on very small chromosomal regions. These regions act as important reservoirs for NLR diversity and can be used in breeding to improve the resilience of conifer trees.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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