Method for Spatially Confined Stimulation by Retinal Scanning Displays: Are Blind Spots Really Blind?


Tavakoli Amir-Vala,Omata Takanobu,Imamura Teppei,Ogawa Ryo,Iwasaki Masanori,del Rio Salgado Jesus,Rossi Iyla,Hung Shao-Min,Wu Daw-An,Shimojo Shinsuke


ABSTRACTConventional displays, such as CRTs and LCDs, are commonly used to present and manipulate visual stimuli in many vision science studies. However, such displays pose difficulties when the goal is to constrain stimulation to specific retinal locations, so as to isolate their contribution to downstream effects. Scattered and refracted light can stimulate unintended areas, contaminating the outcomes. In this investigation, we evaluate a laser-based retinal scanning display for its ability to map and exclusively stimulate the retinal blind spot. This application stimulates melanopsin receptors inside the blind spot, separately from rod and cone photoreceptors, which lie outside the blind spot. This paper covers three experiments: 1. The initial exploratory observations; 2. the examination of pupillary responses, and; 3. the inference of implicit visual perception arising from the blind spot. We aimed to simultaneously validate our technical methods, while increasing our understanding of the role of melanopsin-expressing intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) in vision and implicit visual perception.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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