A Markovian dynamics forC. elegansbehavior across scales


Costa Antonio C.ORCID,Ahamed TosifORCID,Jordan DavidORCID,Stephens Greg J.ORCID


How do we capture the breadth of behavior in animal movement, from rapid body twitches to aging? Using high-resolution videos of the nematode wormC. elegans, we show that a single dynamics connects posture-scale fluctuations with trajectory diffusion, and longer-lived behavioral states. We take short posture sequences as an instantaneous behavioral measure, fixing the sequence length for maximal prediction. Within the space of posture sequences we construct a fine-scale, maximum entropy partition so that transitions among microstates define a high-fidelity Markov model, which we also use as a means of principled coarse-graining. We translate these dynamics into movement using resistive force theory, capturing the statistical properties of foraging trajectories. Predictive across scales, we leverage the longest-lived eigenvectors of the inferred Markov chain to perform a top-down subdivision of the worm’s foraging behavior, revealing both “runs-and-pirouettes” as well as previously uncharacterized finer-scale behaviors. We use our model to investigate the relevance of these fine-scale behaviors for foraging success, recovering a trade-off between local and global search strategies.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTComplex phenotypes, such as an animal’s behavior, generally depend on an overwhelming number of processes that span a vast range of scales. While there is no reason that behavioral dynamics permit simple models, by subsuming inherent nonlinearities and memory into maximally-predictive microstates, we find one forC. elegansforaging. The resulting “Markov worm” is effectively indistinguishable from real worm motion across a range of timescales, and we can decompose our model dynamics both to recover and discover behavioral states. Employing a simple form of substrate interactions, we connect postures to trajectories, illuminating how worms explore the environment. In more complex organisms, our approach can also link behaviors across time, from rapid muscular control to neuromodulation.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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