Grove-level analysis of titer and prevalence of “CandidatusLiberibacter asiaticus” andWolbachiainDiaphorina citri,vector of citrus Huanglongbing


Mann MarinaORCID,Thompson LukeORCID,Johnson Lynn,Heck MichelleORCID


AbstractHuanglongbing (HLB, or citrus greening disease) affects all citrus varieties world-wide. In the USA, Asia, and South America the causal agent is “CandidatusLiberibacter asiaticus” (CLas), a phloem-limited, uncultured, alphaproteobacterium. The hemipteran insect vector,Diaphorina citri(Asian citrus psyllid) acquires and transmitsCLas in a circulative, propagative manner. In addition toCLas,D. citrihosts multiple symbiotic bacteria includingWolbachia(wDi). InD. citri, wDi has been sequenced and studied but specific roles inD. citribiology are unknown. Using well established quantitative PCR methods we measuredCLas titer inD. citricollected from four groves in central Florida with distinct HLB management strategies and tested whetherCLas and wDi titer were correlated in a sub-set of these insects. Grove site had the largest effect onCLas titer. Sex had no effect onCLas titer, while higher wDi titer was correlated withCLas-uninfected insects. Our results suggest that more directed follow-up research is necessary and important to clarify whether field management tactics influenceCLas titer inD. citriand to better understand gene-by-environment interactions amongD. citri, wDi andCLas. Now that millions of trees in Florida have been treated with injectable formulations of oxytetracycline, which is likely to decrease bacterial populations inD. citri, this study may represent the last biologically meaningful snapshot of grove-level vector-pathogen ecology in the state during the HLB epidemic.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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