Effectiveness of one dose of MVA-BN vaccine against mpox infection in males in Ontario, Canada: A target trial emulation


Navarro ChristineORCID,Lau Cindy,Buchan Sarah A.,Burchell Ann N.,Nasreen SharifaORCID,Friedman Lindsay,Okpokoro Evaezi,Austin Peter C.,Tan Darrell HS,Gubbay Jonathan B.,Kwong Jeffrey C.,Mishra Sharmistha


ABSTRACTBackgroundLimited evidence is available on the real-world effectiveness of modified vaccinia Ankara-Bavarian Nordic vaccine (MVA-BN) against mpox infection.MethodsWe emulated a target trial using linked databases in Ontario, Canada to estimate the effectiveness of one dose of MVA-BN. Our study included males aged ≥18 years who: (1) had a history of syphilis testing and a laboratory-confirmed bacterial sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the prior year; or (2) filled a prescription for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis in the prior year. On each day between June 12, 2022 and October 27, 2022, males who had been vaccinated 15 days prior were matched 1:1 with unvaccinated males by age, geographic region, prior HIV diagnosis, number of bacterial STI diagnoses in the previous three years, and receipt of any non- MVA-BN vaccine in the previous year. We used a Cox proportional hazards model to estimate the hazard ratio comparing the incidence of mpox between the two groups, and calculated vaccine effectiveness as (1–HR)x100.ResultsEach group included 3,204 males. A total of 71 mpox infections were diagnosed over the study period, with 0.09 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.05–0.13) per 1000 person-days for the vaccinated group and 0.20 (95%CI, 0.15–0.27) per 1000 person-days for the unvaccinated group. Estimated vaccine effectiveness of one dose of MVA-BN against mpox infection was 59% (95%CI, 31–76%).ConclusionsThis study, conducted in the context of a targeted vaccination program and evolving outbreak, suggests that one dose of MVA-BN is moderately effective in preventing mpox infection.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Reference20 articles.

1. World Health Organization. Disease Outbreak News; Multi-country monkeypox outbreak in non-epidemic countries: Update. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, 2022 (https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease-outbreak-news/item/2022-DON388).

2. World Health Organization. Second meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) Emergency Committee regarding the multi-country outbreak of monkeypox. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, 2022 (https://www.who.int/news/item/23-07-2022-second-meeting-of-the-international-health-regulations-(2005)-(ihr)-emergency-committee-regarding-the-multi-country-outbreak-of-monkeypox).

3. Public Health Agency of Canada. Smallpox and mpox (monkeypox) vaccine: Canadian Immunization Guide. Ottawa, Ontario: Government of Canada, 2023 (https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/healthy-living/canadian-immunization-guide-part-4-active-vaccines/page-21-smallpox-vaccine.html).

4. Ontario Ministry of Health. Mpox Vaccine (Imvamune®) Guidance for Health Care Providers, Version 3.1. Ontario: King’s Printer for Ontario, 2022.

5. Public Health Agency of Canada. An Advisory Committee Statement (ACS) National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) NACI Rapid Response - Interim guidance on the use of Imvamune ® in the context of monkeypox outbreaks in Canada. Ottawa, Ontario: Queen’s Printer of Canada, 2022 (https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/phac-aspc/documents/services/immunization/national-advisory-committee-on-immunization-naci/guidance-imvamune-monkeypox/guidance-imvamune-monkeypox-en.pdf).








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