Effects of protein size, thermodynamic stability, and net charge on cotranslational folding on the ribosome


Farías-Rico José ArcadioORCID,Selin Frida Ruud,Myronidi Ioanna,Frühauf Marie,Heijne Gunnar vonORCID


AbstractDuring the last five decades, studies of protein folding in dilute buffer solutions have produced a rich picture of this complex process. In the cell, however, proteins can start to fold while still attached to the ribosome (cotranslational folding) and it is not yet clear how the ribosome affects the folding of protein domains of different sizes, thermodynamic stabilities, and net charges. Here, by using arrest peptides as force sensors and on-ribosome pulse proteolysis, we provide a comprehensive picture of how the distance from the peptidyl transferase center in the ribosome at which proteins fold correlates with protein size. Moreover, an analysis of a large collection of mutants of theE. coliribosomal protein S6 shows that the force exerted on the nascent chain by protein folding varies linearly with the thermodynamic stability of the folded state, and that the ribosome environment disfavors folding of domains of high net-negative charge.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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