Flight performance, activity and behaviour of breeding pied flycatchers in the wild, revealed with accelerometers and machine learning


Yu HuiORCID,Liang Shujie,Muijres Florian T.ORCID,te Lindert Jan SeverinORCID,de Knegt Henrik J.ORCID,Hedenström AndersORCID,Lamers Koosje P.ORCID,Henningsson PerORCID


AbstractFlight behaviours have been extensively studied from different angles such as their kinematics, aerodynamics and more general their migration pattern. Nevertheless, much is still unknown about the daily flight activity of birds, in terms of their performance, behaviour and the potential differences between males and females. The recent development of miniaturized accelerometers allows us a glimpse into the daily life of a songbird. Here, we tagged 26 pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) with accelerometers and analysed using machine learning approaches their flight performance, activity and behaviour during their chick rearing period. We found that during two hours of foraging chick-rearing pied flycatchers were flying 13.7% of the time. Almost all flights (>99%) were short flights lasting less than 10s. Flight activity changed throughout the day and was highest in the morning and lowest in the early afternoon. Male pied flycatcher had lower wing loading than females, and peak flight accelerations were inversely correlated with wing loading. Despite this, we found no significant differences in flight activity and performance between sexes. This suggests that males possess a higher potential flight performance, which they not fully utilized during foraging flights. Our results thus suggest that male and female pied flycatcher invest equally in parental care, but that this comes at a reduced cost by the male, due to their higher flight performance potential.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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