A panel of phenotypically and genotypically diverse bioluminescent:fluorescentTrypanosoma cruzistrains as a resource for Chagas disease research


Olmo Francisco,Jayawardhana Shiromani,Khan Archie A.,Langston Harry C.,Francisco Amanda Fortes,Atherton Richard L.,Ward Alex I.,Taylor Martin C.,Kelly John M.ORCID,Lewis Michael D.


ABSTRACTChagas disease is caused byTrypanosoma cruzi, a protozoan parasite that displays considerable genetic diversity. Infections result in a range of pathological outcomes, and different strains can exhibit a wide spectrum of anti-parasitic drug tolerance. The genetic determinants of infectivity, virulence and therapeutic susceptibility remain largely unknown. As experimental tools to address these issues, we have generated a panel of bioluminescent:fluorescent parasite strains that cover the diversity of theT. cruzispecies. These reporters allow spatio-temporal infection dynamics in murine models to be monitored in a non-invasive manner byin vivoimaging, provide a capability to detect rare infection foci at single-cell resolution, and represent a valuable resource for investigating virulence and host:parasite interactions at a mechanistic level. Importantly, these parasite reporter strains can also contribute to the Chagas disease drug screening cascade by ensuring that candidate compounds have pan-speciesin vivoactivity prior to being advanced into clinical testing. The parasite strains described in this paper are available on request.AUTHOR SUMMARYChagas disease results from infection with the protozoan parasiteTrypanosoma cruziand is a major public health problem throughout Latin America.T. cruziis a genetically diverse species and infection can result in a wide range of pathological outcomes, mainly associated with the heart and/or digestive tract. Research on Chagas disease, ranging from fundamental biology to drug development, has been greatly aided by the availability of genetically modified parasite reporter strains that express bioluminescent:fluorescent fusion proteins. In combination with mouse models and imaging technology, these strains allow infections to be monitored in real-time, with high sensitivity, and infection foci to be visualised at single-cell resolution. Here, we describe an extensive panel of bioluminescent and fluorescent strains that cover the diversity of theT. cruzispecies. These reporter strains, that are available on request, should have wide utility in many areas of Chagas disease research. In particular, as part of the drug development screening programme, they can be used to ensure that candidate compounds havein vivoactivity across the species prior to being advanced into clinical testing.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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