Drosophilaappear resistant to trans-synaptic tau propagation


Catterson James HORCID,Mouofo Edmond NORCID,Soler Inés López De ToledoORCID,Lean Gillian,Dlamini StellaORCID,Liddell PhoebeORCID,Voong Graham,Katsinelos TaxiarchisORCID,Wang Yu-Chun,Schoovaerts NilsORCID,Verstreken PatrikORCID,Spires-Jones Tara LORCID,Durrant Claire SORCID


AbstractAlzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia in the elderly, prompting extensive efforts to pinpoint novel therapeutic targets for effective intervention. Among the hallmark features of AD is the development of neurofibrillary tangles comprised of hyperphosphorylated tau protein, whose progressive spread throughout the brain is associated with neuronal death. Trans-synaptic propagation of tau has been observed in mouse models and indirect evidence for tau spread via synapses has been observed in human AD. Halting tau propagation is a promising therapeutic target for AD, thus a scalable model system to screen for modifiers of tau spread would be very useful for the field. To this end, we sought to emulate the trans-synaptic spread of human tau (hTau) inDrosophila melanogaster. Employing the trans-Tango circuit mapping technique, we investigated whether tau spreads between synaptically connected neurons. Immunohistochemistry and confocal imaging were used to look for tau propagation. Examination of hundreds of flies expressing 4 different human tau constructs in two distinct neuronal populations reveal a robust resistance inDrosophilato the trans-synaptic spread of hTau. This resistance persisted in lines with concurrent expression of amyloid-β, in lines with global hTau knock-in to provide a template for human tau in downstream neurons, and with manipulations of temperature. These negative data are important for the field as we establish thatDrosophilaexpressing human tau in subsets of neurons are unlikely to be useful to perform screens to find mechanisms to reduce the trans-synaptic spread of tau. The inherent resistance observed inDrosophilamay serve as a valuable clue, offering insights into strategies for impeding tau spread in future studies.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory








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