AbstractSugarcane is one of the major alternatives for the biofuel sector and its large production has considerable environmental impacts. Organomineral fertilizers formulated with environmental liabilities such as filter cake and sewage sludge positively affect parameters of plant growth and development. The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical and technological characteristics of sugarcane fertilized with pelletized organomineral fertilizers based on filter cake and sewage sludge. Eight field treatments were studied, being three levels of organomineral (50, 100, 150%) of two organic matter sources (filter cake, sewage sludge), plus a control with 100% of the recommended fertilization via mineral fertilizer and no fertilization control (0%). Sugarcane was evaluated during two consecutive harvest, and the amount of stalks per hectare (ton ha−1), the sugarcane productivity (ton ha−1), the quantity of sugar per hectare (TSH, ton ha−1), and the chemical and technological analysis of the sugarcane juice: pol (%), brix (%), purity (%) and fiber (%) were evaluated. None of the organomineral sources or doses differed from the exclusive mineral fertilization. The analysis of both harvests indicated that the first cut was the most productive since the responses of the first harvest were superior or similar to the second harvest. The recommended organomineral dose to obtaining maximum quantitative and qualitative sugarcane results was between 102 and 109% of the regular recommendation for mineral fertilization, regardless of the organic source in the first sugarcane harvest. In the second sugarcane harvest, sewage sludge source increase by 4.68 and 4.19% the total amount of sugar per hectare and the quantity of sugarcane compared to the sugarcane filter cake source. Sewage sludge and sugarcane filter cake as sources for organominerals are viable alternatives and advantageous in economic and environmental terms for the cultivation of sugarcane.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
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