Reconstitution of the host holobiont in germ-free rats acutely increases bone growth and affects marrow cellular content


Czernik PJ,Golonka RM,Chakraborty S,Yeoh BS,Abokor A,Saha P,Yeo JY,Mell B,Cheng X,Baroi S,Joe B,Vijay-Kumar M,Lecka-Czernik B


AbstractIn recent years there has been growing evidence regarding the effect of microbiota on the skeletal growth and homeostasis. Here we present, for the first time, accelerated longitudinal and radial bone growth in young (7-week-old) germ-free male rats after short-term exposure to a newly established gut microbiota. Changes in bone mass and structure were analyzed after 10 days following the onset of colonization through cohousing with conventional rats and revealed unprecedented acceleration of bone accrual in cortical and trabecular compartments, increased bone tissue mineral density, improved proliferation and hypertrophy of growth plate chondrocytes, bone lengthening, and preferential deposition of periosteal bone in tibia diaphysis. In addition, the number of small-in-size adipocytes increased, while the number of megakaryocytes decreased, in the bone marrow of conventionalized germ-free rats. The observed changes in bone status were paralleled with a positive shift in microbiota composition towards short chain fatty acids (SCFA)-producing microbes, which reflected a dramatic increase in cecal concentration of SCFA, specifically butyrate. Further, reconstitution of the host holobiont increased hepatic expression of IGF-1 and its circulating levels, implicating an involvement of the somatotropic axis. Increased serum levels of 25-hydroxy vitamin D and alkaline phosphatase pointed toward an active process of bone formation. The acute stimulatory effect on bone growth occurred independently of body mass increase and resembled reversal of dysbiosis in adolescence, which is marked by rapid skeletal expansion. These findings may help in developing microbiota-based therapeutics to combat bone related disorders resulting from hormonal defects and/or malnutrition in children and adolescence.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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