Structure and assembly of the diiron cofactor in the heme-oxygenase-like domain of theN-nitrosourea-producing enzyme SznF


McBride Molly J.,Pope Sarah R.,Hu Kai,Slater Jeffrey W.,Okafor C. Denise,Balskus Emily P.,Bollinger J. Martin,Boal Amie K.


AbstractIn biosynthesis of the pancreatic cancer drug streptozotocin, the tri-domain nonheme-iron oxygenase, SznF, hydroxylatesNδandNω’ ofNω-methyl-L-arginine before oxidatively rearranging the triply modified guanidine to theN-methyl-N-nitrosourea pharmacophore. A previously published structure visualized the mono-iron cofactor in the enzyme’s C-terminal cupin domain, which effects the final rearrangement, but exhibited disorder and minimal metal occupancy in the site of the proposed diiron cofactor in theN-hydroxylating heme-oxygenase-like (HO-like) central domain. Here we leverage our recent report of an intensely absorbingµ-peroxodiiron(III/III) intermediate formed from the Fe2(II/II) complex and O2to understand assembly of the diiron cofactor in the HO-like domain and to obtain structures with both SznF iron cofactors bound. Tight binding at one diiron subsite is associated with a conformational change, which is followed by weak binding at the second subsite and rapid capture of O2by the Fe2(II/II) complex. Differences between iron-deficient and iron-replete structures reveal both the conformational change required to form the O2-reactive Fe2(II/II) complex and the structural basis for cofactor instability, showing that a ligand-harboring core helix dynamically refolds during metal acquisition and release. The cofactor also coordinates an unanticipated Glu ligand contributed by an auxiliary helix implicated in substrate binding by docking and molecular dynamics simulation. The additional ligand is conserved in another experimentally validated HO-likeN-oxygenase but not in two known HO-like diiron desaturases. Among ∼9600 sequences identified bioinformatically as belonging to the emerging HO-like diiron protein (HDO) superfamily, ∼25% have this carboxylate residue and are thus tentatively assigned asN-oxygenases.Significance statementThe enzyme SznF assembles theN-nitrosourea pharmacophore of the drug streptozotocin. Its centralN-oxygenase domain resembles heme-oxygenase (HO) and belongs to an emerging superfamily of HO-like diiron enzymes (HDOs) with unstable metallocofactors that have resisted structural characterization. We investigated assembly of the O2-reactive diiron complex from metal-free SznF and Fe(II) and leveraged this insight to obtain the first structure of a functionally assigned HDO with intact cofactor. Conformational changes accompanying cofactor acquisition explain its instability, and the observation of an unanticipated glutamate ligand that is conserved in only a subset of the HDO sequences provides a potential basis for top-level assignment of enzymatic function. Our results thus provide a roadmap for structural and functional characterization of novel HDOs.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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