The AppNL-G-F mouse retina is a site for preclinical Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis and research


Vandenabeele Marjan,Veys Lien,Lemmens Sophie,Hadoux Xavier,Gelders Géraldine,Masin Luca,Serneels Lutgarde,Theunis Jan,Saito Takashi,Saido Takaomi C.,Jayapala Murali,De Boever Patrick,De Strooper Bart,Stalmans Ingeborg,van Wijngaarden Peter,Moons Lieve,De Groef LiesORCID


AbstractIn this study, we report the results of a comprehensive phenotyping of the retina of the AppNL-G-F mouse. We demonstrate that soluble Aβ accumulation is present in the retina of these mice early in life and progresses to Aβ plaque formation by midlife. This rising Aβ burden coincides with local microglia reactivity, astrogliosis, and abnormalities in retinal vein morphology. Electrophysiological recordings reveal signs of neuronal dysfunction yet no overt neurodegeneration was observed and visual performance outcomes were unaffected in the AppNL-G-F mouse. Furthermore, we show that hyperspectral imaging can be used to quantify retinal Aβ, underscoring its potential as a biomarker for AD diagnosis and monitoring. These findings suggest that the AppNL-G-F retina mimics the early, preclinical stages of AD, and, together with retinal imaging techniques, offers unique opportunities for drug discovery and fundamental research into preclinical AD.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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