Damage-related changes in the cerebellum of juvenile Oncorhynchus masou: reactivation of neurogenic niches and astrocytic response


Pushchina Eugenyia V.ORCID,Stukaneva Maryia E.,Varaksin Anatoly A.


ABSTRACTIn the cerebellum of juvenile Oncorhynchus masou, proliferating BrdU+ and HuCD+ cells and constitutive neurogenic niches were detected in different zones; the largest number of labeled cells were found in the dorsal part of the molecular layer and the dorsal matrix zone (DMZ). Cells labeled with glutamine synthetase (GS) and radial glia were also present in the intact O. masou cerebellum. The most intensive proliferation was detected in the rostral part of cerebellum. This part is assumed to contain active zones of constitutive neurogenesis. After an injury inflicted to the cerebellum, the number of BrdU+ and HuCD+ cells increased significantly. The number of BrdU+ cells after this type of injury was much greater than after a telencephalon trauma. A quantitative analysis revealed that after the cerebellum injury the proliferative activity in the caudal part of CCb is increased compared to that in the control. A reactivation of neurogenic and neuroepithelial niches and their transformation into reactive neurogenic domains, with an increased distribution density of intensely labeled HuCD+ cells of different types, were observed. The increase in the number of HuCD+ differentiated cells in the basal area suggests that the processes of neuronal differentiation are intensified in the cerebellum of juvenile O. masou after injury. The number of GS positive cells (GS+) and fibers increased in all the zones of cerebellum. The most intensive astrocytic response was noted in the dorsal part of cerebellum. The data of the enzyme immunoassay confirm the multiple variations in the level of GS after a traumatic injury to cerebellum in O. masou.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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