AbstractWhile wetlands are major sources of biogenic methane (CH4), our understanding of resident microbial metabolisms is incomplete, which compromises prediction of CH4emissions under ongoing climate change. Here, we employed genome-resolved multi-omics to expand our understanding of methanogenesis in the thawing permafrost peatland of Stordalen Mire, in arctic Sweden. In quadrupling the genomic representation of the site’s methanogens and examining their encoded metabolisms, we revealed that nearly 20% (72) of the metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) encoded potential for methylotrophic methanogenesis. Further, 27% of the transcriptionally active methanogens expressed methylotrophic genes; forMethanosarcinalesandMethanobacterialesMAGs, these data indicated use of methylated oxygen compounds (e.g., methanol), while forMethanomassiliicoccales, they primarily implicated methyl sulfides and methylamines. In addition to methanogenic methylotrophy, >1700 bacterial MAGs across 19 phyla encoded anaerobic methylotrophic potential, with expression across 12 phyla. Metabolomic analyses revealed the presence of diverse methylated compounds in the Mire, including some known methylotrophic substrates. Active methylotrophy was observed across all stages of a permafrost thaw gradient in Stordalen, with the most frozen non-methanogenic palsa found to host bacterial methylotrophy, and the partially thawed bog and fully thawed fen seen to house both methanogenic and bacterial methylotrophic activity. Methanogenesis across increasing permafrost thaw is thus revised from sole dominance of hydrogenotrophic production, and the appearance of acetoclastic at full thaw, to consider co-occurrence of methylotrophy throughout. Collectively, these findings indicate that methanogenic and bacterial methylotrophy may be an important and previously underappreciated component of carbon cycling and emissions in these rapidly changing wetland habitats.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory