Explanation of saltatory conduction in myelinated axons and of micro-saltatory conduction in C fibers of pain sensation by a wave-type ion plasmonic mechanism of stimulus kinetics


Jacak J. E.,Jacak W. A.ORCID


AbstractIon plasmon-polariton model of stimulus in myelinated axons and in C fibers of pain sensation is developed. This solves a long standing problem in neuroscience of by 2 − 3 orders of magnitude discrepancy between the observed fast speed of the saltatory conduction in myelinated axons or in C fibers with the upper limit of diffusive ion current velocity in these axons. The latter, described in the framework of so-called cable model, is too low in axons because of poor conductivity of neuron inner cytosol. The compliance with observations has been achieved upon plasmonic model of ionic local oscillations synchronized in periodically corrugated axons and propagating with high speed in the form of wave-type plasmon-polariton without any net diffusion current, thus not limited by resistivity. The new model of stimulus in myelinated axons reveals the different controlling role of myelin than previously thought from cable model. The control mechanism in non-myelinated C fibers is also proposed in agreement with observations. Recognition of plasmon model of neural signaling may be important for identifying a new targets for the future treatment at demyelination diseases and for fighting pain.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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