Functional hierarchies in brain dynamics characterized by signal reversibility in ferret cortex


Idesis Sebastian,Geli Sebastian,Faskowitz Joshua,Vohryzek Jakub,Perl Yonatan Sanz,Pieper Florian,Galindo-Leon Edgar,Engel Andreas K.,Deco Gustavo


AbstractBrain signal irreversibility has been shown to be a promising approach to study neural dynamics. Nevertheless, the relation with cortical hierarchy and the influence of different electrophysiological features is not completely understood. In this study, we recorded local field potentials (LFPs) during spontaneous behavior, including awake and sleep periods, using custom micro-electrocorticographic (μECoG) arrays implanted in ferrets. In contrast to humans, ferrets remain less time in each state across the sleep-wake cycle. We deployed a diverse set of metrics in order to measure the levels of complexity of the different behavioral states. In particular, brain irreversibility, which allows us to quantify the level of non-equilibrium captured by the arrow of time of the signal, revealed the hierarchical organization of the ferret’s cortex. We found different signatures of irreversibility and functional hierarchy of large-scale dynamics in three different brain states (active awake, quiet awake, and deep sleep), showing a lower level of irreversibility in the deep sleep stage, compared to the other. Irreversibility also allowed us to disentangle the influence of different brain regions and frequency bands in this process, showing a predominance of the parietal area and the theta band. Furthermore, when inspecting the embedded dynamic through a Hidden Markov Model, the deep sleep stage was revealed to have a lower switching rate and lower entropy production. These results suggest functional hierarchies in organization that can be revealed through thermodynamic features and information theory metrics.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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