Molecular Diversity of Intrinsically Photosensitive Ganglion Cells


Berg Daniel,Kartheiser Katherine,Leyrer Megan,Saali Alexandra,Berson David


AbstractIntrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) are rare mammalian photoreceptors essential for non-image-forming vision functions, such as circadian photoentrainment and the pupillary light reflex. They comprise multiple subtypes distinguishable by morphology, physiology, projections, and levels of expression of melanopsin (Opn4), their photopigment. The molecular programs that differentiate ipRGCs from other ganglion cells and ipRGC subtypes from one another remain elusive. Here, we present comprehensive gene expression profiles of early postnatal and adult mouse ipRGCs purified from two lines of reporter mice marking different sets of ipRGC subtypes. We find dozens of novel genes highly enriched in ipRGCs. We reveal that Rasgrp1 and Tbx20 are selectively expressed in subsets of ipRGCs, though these molecularly defined groups imperfectly match established ipRGC subtypes. We demonstrate that the ipRGCs regulating circadian photoentrainment are unexpectedly diverse at the molecular level. Our findings reveal unexpected complexity in gene expression patterns across mammalian ipRGC subtypes.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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