Structure of the human inner kinetochore CCAN complex and its significance for human centromere organization


Pesenti Marion E.,Raisch Tobias,Conti Duccio,Hoffmann Ingrid,Vogt Dorothee,Prumbaum Daniel,Vetter Ingrid R.,Raunser StefanORCID,Musacchio Andrea


Centromeres are specialized chromosome loci that seed the kinetochore, a large protein complex that effects chromosome segregation. The organization of the interface between the kinetochore and the specialized centromeric chromatin, marked by the histone H3 variant CENP-A, remains incompletely understood. A 16-subunit complex, the constitutive centromere associated network (CCAN), bridges CENP-A to the spindle-binding moiety of the kinetochore. Here, we report a cryo-electron microscopy structure of human CCAN. We highlight unique features such as the pseudo GTPase CENP-M and report how a crucial CENP-C motif binds the CENP-LN complex. The CCAN structure has also important implications for the mechanism of specific recognition of the CENP-A nucleosome. A supported model depicts the interaction as fuzzy and identifies the disordered CCAN subunit CENP-C as only determinant of specificity. A more speculative model identifies both CENP-C and CENP-N as specificity determinants, but implies CENP-A may be in a hemisome rather than in a classical octamer.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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