Fast event-related mapping of population fingertip tuning properties in human sensorimotor cortex at 7T


Khalife Sarah,Francis Susan T.,Schluppeck Denis,Sánchez-Panchuelo Rosa-Maria,Besle JulienORCID


AbstractfMRI studies that investigate somatotopic tactile representations in the human cortex typically use either block or phase-encoded stimulation designs. Event-related (ER) designs allow for more flexible and unpredictable stimulation sequences than the other methods, but they are less efficient. Here we compared an efficiency-optimized fast ER design (2.8s average intertrial interval, ITI) to a conventional slow ER design (8s average ITI) for mapping voxelwise fingertip tactile tuning properties in the sensorimotor cortex of 6 participants at 7 Tesla. The fast ER design yielded more reliable responses compared to the slow ER design, but with otherwise similar tuning properties. Concatenating the fast and slow ER data, we demonstrate in each individual brain the existence of two separate somatotopically-organized tactile representations of the fingertips, one in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) on the post-central gyrus, and the other shared across the motor and pre-motor cortices on the pre-central gyrus. In both S1 and motor representations, fingertip selectivity decreased progressively, from narrowly-tuned Brodmann areas 3b and 4a respectively, towards associative parietal and frontal regions that responded equally to all fingertips, suggesting increasing information integration along these two pathways. In addition, fingertip selectivity in S1 decreased from the cortical representation of the thumb to that of the pinky.Significance StatementSensory and motor cortices in the human brain contain map-like representations of the body in which adjacent brain regions respond to adjacent body parts. The properties of these somatotopic maps provide important insight into how tactile and motor information is processed by the brain. Here, we describe an efficient mapping method using functional MRI to measure somatotopic maps and their tuning properties. We used a fast event-related sequence to map the five fingers of the left hand in six human participants, and show that this method is more efficient than a conventional, slower event-related design. Furthermore, we confirm previously-identified tuning properties of fingertip representations in somatosensory cortex, and reveal a hitherto unknown tactile fingertip map in the motor cortex.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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