Elamin Elhasan LM,Elhkotam Basmat,Abdelgadir Tomader Salah,Allah Ibraheim Smaher Greeb,Eldin Othman Omar Musa Izz
AbstractBackgroundDiabetes mellitus Type 2 is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by insulin insensitivity that leads to a decrease in glucose transport into the other cells. Many drugs are being developed, while no cure is available regarding to this disease although, there are limitations due to high cost and certain side effects. The Traditional Medicines are preferred due to lesser side effects and low cost. Acacia species have wide traditional medicinal using as anti-diabetic, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory activities.ObjectiveThe study aimed to examine the effect of ethanolic extract of Acacia Seyal bark in induced diabetic rats.Materials and methodsAcacia Seyal bark was extracted in ethanol 80%. The Ethanolic extract was analyzed for phytochemicals screening tests using standard methods. To investigate the effect of the extract thirty induced diabetic albino rats introduced by injection of glucose 2g\kg were divided to 5 groups equally; Group 1 was treated with 10mg\kg of glibenclamide, group 2 left as control treated with distilled water 10mg\kg, Group 3 was treated with 200mg of plant extract, Group 4 was treated with 400mg of plant extract, and Group 5 was treated with 800mg of plant extract. The Glucose Tolerant Test were done after 1 hour, 2 hour and 4 hour to determine blood glucose level of rats. Estimation of in vitro glucose uptake by rat diaphragm experiment was done to evaluate the glucose utilization capacity of extract.ResultsThe effect of different concentration of ethanolic extract of Acacia Seyal bark on the blood glucose level of diabetic induced rats is significantly different (0.05 p 0.01 <p). The phytochemical screening of extract indicated the presence of Saponin, Tannins Steroids, Triterpens, and Anthraquinone, While the absence of flavonoids. In vitro glucose consumption by diaphragm study the level of utilized glucose from the media is 69.4% in the presence of extract compared to control group.ConclusionStudy concluded that the ethanolic bark extract of A. seyal showed significant anti-diabetic activity. This results might have a great potential for translation to humans and the obtained data might set the stage for clinical trials investigating the effects of anti-diabetic effect in patients with diabetes mellitus type2. In the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that has conducted to study the anti-diabetics effect of ethanolic extract of Acacia Seyal bark in diabetic rats.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory