Morning and Evening Circadian Pacemakers Independently Drive Premotor Centers via a Specific Dopamine Relay


Liang XitongORCID,Ho Margaret C.W.,Wu Mark N.,Holy Timothy E.,Taghert Paul H.


AbstractMany animals exhibit morning and evening peaks of locomotor behavior. In Drosophila, previous studies identified two corresponding circadian neural oscillators: M (morning) cells which exhixbit a morning neural activity peak, and E (evening) cells which exhibit a corresponding evening peak of activity. Yet we know little of how these distinct circadian oscillators produce specific outputs that regulate pre-motor circuits to precisely control behavioral episodes. Here we show that the Ring Neurons of the Ellipsoid Body (EB-RNs), a defined pre-motor center, display a spontaneous in vivo neural activity rhythm, with peaks in the morning and in the evening. The two EB-RN activity peaks coincide with the major bouts of locomotor activity and result from independent activation by M and E cells, respectively. Further, M and E cells regulate EB-RNs via two identified dopaminergic neurons PPM3-EB, which project to the EB and which are normally co-active with EB-RNs. Blocking the dopaminergic modulation onto EB-RNs prevents the daily two-peak pattern of neural activity in the EB-RN and greatly impairs circadian locomotor activity. These in vivo findings establish the fundamental elements of a circadian neuronal output pathway: distinct circadian oscillators independently drive a common pre-motor center through the agency of specific dopaminergic interneurons.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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