Exploratory and risk-taking behaviours in coexisting rodents


Hughes BryanORCID,Bowman Jeff,Schulte-Hostedde Albrecht


AbstractThere has been an increasing interest in modelling the influence of animal personality on species interactions within ecosystems. Animal personality traits associated with dispersal, movement within a home range and risk-taking, including docility and exploration, have been shown to influence an array of environmental variables including seed dispersal and habitat availability. Despite growing interest however, little information is available to model the effects of differences in personality phenotypes among coexisting species. Since coexisting or sympatric species often compete for resources, differences in movement patterns can help mitigate the impact of intra- and interspecific competition. We used two standardized behavioural tests with three species of coexisting rodents in Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada to measure exploration and docility personality phenotypes. To evaluate personalities, we modelled plastic changes in behaviours within species and phenotypic variation in behavioural strategies among species. We show empirical evidence to support differences in personality phenotypes in coexisting species and consider the importance of alternative personality strategies in shaping community dynamics.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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