Temporal variability in host availability alters the outcome of competition between two parasitoid species


Wang HuaORCID,Liu Tiantian,Sun ShucunORCID,Lewis Owen T.ORCID,Xi XinqiangORCID


AbstractVariability in the availability of resources through time is a common attribute in trophic interactions, but its effects on the fitness of different consumer species and on interspecific competition between them are not clearly understood.To investigate this, we allowed two parasitoid species,Trichopria drosophilaeandPachycrepoideus vindemiae, to exploitDrosophilahost pupae under three temporal variability treatments, either on their own or simultaneously.When tested individually (in the absence of interspecific competition), both parasitoid species had lower fitness when hosts were exposed for a short duration at high density than when exposed for a long duration at low density. When both parasitoid species exploited hosts simultaneously, interspecific competition significantly decreased the number of offspring for both parasitoid species. The outcome of this interspecific competition depended on host temporal variability, withT. drosophilaeorP. vindemiaedominating in short and long host exposure treatments, respectively.These results can be explained by the combination of host availability and egg load of female adult parasitoids. When abundant hosts are provided for a short period, the ample mature eggs of the proovigenicT. drosophilaeenable them to exploit hosts more efficiently thanP. vindemiae, which is synovigenic. However,P. vindemiaeis an intrinsically superior competitor and dominates when multiparasitism occurs. Multiparasitism is more frequent when hosts are at low levels relative to the egg load of the parasitoids.Our results clearly demonstrate that resource temporal availability can alter the outcome of competition between consumers with different reproductive traits.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory








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